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The Mad Buckgoat

The initial spark for this program was a landmark publication called A Collection of the Most Celebrated Irish Tunes, published in Dublin in 1724 by John & William Neal. One of the earliest documents of the rich and thriving Irish musical tradition, it was the very first collection of exclusively Irish music to emerge in print or manuscript. The father and son team of John & William Neal were pioneers in the musical life of early eighteenth-century Dublin. Together their work as instrument makers, publishers, and concert promoters practically monopolized the music trade from the 1720's until William's death in 1769. -Chris Norman


October 1999


  1. The Mad Buckgoat (Poc Air Buille)
  2. Willie Winkie
  3. Truagh (An Triucha)
  4. The Beggar (An Bockagh)
  5. Bugga Fee Hoosa (Bogadh Faoi Shusa)
  6. Girls, Have You Seen George?
  7. Toss the Feathers
  8. The Fairy Dance
  9. The Pretty Maid Milking her Cow
  10. The Fidler's Contemt
  11. The Kerry Star
  12. The Goroum
  13. Wild Geese (Gye Fiane)
  14. Yonder, Westwards, is the Road She Went
  15. The Old Woman's Hornpipe
  16. J.E. Pigot Collection: Your Old Wig is the Love of My Heart
  17. Dwyer's Hornpipe
  18. Catty Mage
  19. Kitty Magee
  20. Billy from Bruff
  21. J.E. Pigot Collection: The Pigot Jig