La Roque 'n' Roll

All of the song and dance arrangements on this CD are the creation of the members of the Baltimore Consort, who sometimes have only an unharmonized melody to start with. Two of the early printed sources from which we have drawn our material were collections of unadorned popular tunes with texts. Others were originally guitar intabulations with voice; a solo lute print by Robert Ballard was the starting point for the Branles de village; while other dances and chansons were originally found in four-part arrangements which the Baltimore Consort has further elaborated.
- J'ai vu le loup
- Has tu point veu
- Branle double
- Branle de Montirande
- Branle de la torche
- Mignonne, allons voir si la rose
- Frais et gaillard
- Une m'avoit promis
- Volte
- Mes pas semez
- Gaillarde d'escosse
- Laroque Gaillarde
- Alemande de Liege
- Ma bergere, ma lumiere
- Estans assis aux rives aquatiques
- Prelude
- Tant que vivray
- Ung gay bergere
- O Madame, per-je mon tems
- J'ay le rebours
- Branles du village
- Une jeune fillette by Custer LaRue
- Une jeune fillette by Ronn McFarlane
- Une jeune fillette by The Baltimore Consort
- Une nimphe jolie
- Jean de Nivelle